Onboarding Onboarding Requesters Name * This Onboarding is for… Please Select OneFacultyStaffGraduate Research AssistantAffiliateRAI Faculty FellowCollaborator Onboarding Faculty Information: First Name * Last Name * Does this new faculty hire have a UNID? Yes No UNID Email * Start Date * Activity or Project Number (funding source) * Account Type SCI Account (paying SCF — SCI Computing Facility — fees) Collaborator Work will be conducted Onsite Remote Supervisor’s Name Position Title Home Department Desired SCI Username Additional Comments (For equipment requests, please email *protected email*) Onboarding Staff Information: First Name * Last Name * Does this new staff hire have a UNID? Yes No UNID Email * Start Date * Activity or Project Number (funding source) * Account Type SCI Account (paying SCF — SCI Computing Facility — fees) Collaborator Work will be conducted Onsite Remote Supervisor’s Name Position Title Desired SCI Username Additional Comments (For equipment requests, please email *protected email*) Onboarding Graduate/Research Assistant Information: First Name * Last Name * Does this new Graduate/Research Assistant hire have a UNID? Yes No UNID Email * Start Date * Activity or Project Number (funding source) * Even if it’s temporary funding. Account Type SCI Account (paying SCF — SCI Computing Facility — fees) Collaborator Work will be conducted Onsite Remote Supervisor’s Name Position Title Home Department Desired SCI Username Additional Comments (For equipment requests, please email *protected email*) Onboarding Affiliate Information: First Name * Last Name * Does this new Affiliate hire have a UNID? Yes No UNID Email * Start Date * End Date (review date) Account Type * Collaborator OtherOther Work will be conducted Visitor Office Remote Referral Name Home Department (U of U or Industry?) *If Industry, list name of company here. Desired SCI username Additional Comments Onboarding RAI Faculty Fellow Information: First Name * Last Name * UNID Email * Start Date End Date (date of review) Work will be conducted Visitor Office Remote Home Department (U of U or Industry) *If industry, list company name here Desired SCI Username Additional Comments Onboarding Collaborator Information: First Name * Last Name * Does this does this collaborator have a UNID? Yes No UNID Email * Start Date * End Date Account Type Collaborator OtherOther Work will be conducted Visitor Office Remote Referral Name *faculty member who sponsored Home Department (U of U or Industry) *If industry, list company name here Additional Comments Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ