Onboarding Requesters Name * This Onboarding is for… Please Select OneFacultyStaffGraduate Research AssistantAffiliateRAI Faculty FellowCollaborator…

Offboarding Supervisor’s Name Employee’s General Information Full name of individual being off-boarded * uNID…

Ask us a question on Slack! #sci-it Create a ticket to ask for work to be done…

This form is a specific work order submitted to SCI-IT when you need SCI host network access. Expect responses within 24 hrs

Have you recently been helped by SCI-IT staff? Leave them a review here. Note: this is not an anonymous form! Our staff is very understanding and happy to receive all types of feedback in order to improve their service.

Applying for a SCI network account Please select a valid form It can take up to 24 hours (one business day) for…

The University Board of Regents mandated all departments to switch all campus Email services to the central campus UMail system…